Saturday, July 15, 2006


"When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Karazee"
Louden Up Now

Nmber of listens: ||| (But only because I kept not paying attention to it)
Stars (out of 5): 3

This starts off sounding like something I would hear in my brother's techno store. Kind of crazy, all over the place beats that aren't really dance but aren't really chill, either. I mean, not that his store plays that sort of stuff primarily, but it has a techno-y feel. Ok, anyway...this track doesn't stand out as anything special and it's not one I'd choose to represent the group. It's kind of just there.

*Can't find lyrics right now. The one sight with them is blocked from the wireless network I'm on. LAME!*

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Kid A

Nmber of listens: |
Stars (out of 5): 1

I loved Kid A when it came out. My college roommate was a huge Radiohead fan and partly because I was often forced* to listen to them a lot, I secretly loved and purchased this album when it came out. I remember "coming clean" to her about buying it and that conversation still remains vivid in my mind because it was so funny. It was like I was admitting to doing cocaine again** or something.

While I, of course, loved the hits (Creep, Karma Police, etc.), I had never really gotten into an entire album of there's until this one. The whole thing felt new and fresh and I was obsessed with it for awhile. There isn't much to this instrumental track, though. I'm giving it only one star merely for the fact that it does not stand out on it's own. Hearing it out of sequence would not immediately make me think it's Radiohead's nor would I put it on by itself.


*Forced is a strong word since she didn't hold a knife to my throat or anything and really, is it so bad to have to listen to Radiohead? It was more the principle of dormroom living and listening to something I didn't put on.
**I've NEVER done cocaine. Just to clarify.


"Time Consumer"
Coheed & Cambria
Second Stage Turbine Blade

Nmber of listens: |
Stars (out of 5): 4

I remember buying my first Coheed & Cambria CD back when a friend of mine said they were better than Trail of Dead. Thinking how that woud be impossible, but being curious for what genius music that would be, I picked up their CD. I wasn't disappointed but I also told my friend he was insane and they were NOT better than TOD. He then said I had to see them live to get the full effect. So I saw them live and still told him he was insane. C&C is good, yes, but in no way are they on Trail of Dead's levels both on stage or in the studio.

That being said, this is a good song. I love the beginning which is at least a minute of straight guitar work that emphasizes different beats at the right time. It creates a nice melody. I think C&C's distinctness (his voice) is what can turn a person away from their music. I, at times, can't stand it and at other times, fully embrace it's uniqueness.

The young stale memories of play the role to your part
Librarian find me the pole, the one that kicks your head in
With my own time role your own innocence by
Grab on to my sleeve the one that grabs at your ankle
Debate to understand that we all have a flaw
Then fail to represent your life as you know it
God grant you one wish to turn back the time
Correct and create, making sense of . . .

Me and my star, Matthew good night
You know by law when you'll be forgiven
Maria my star, Matthew goodnight
You know my lord when you'll be forgiven

So they pulled your confidence down with those verbal discrepancies
Now and then you'll gain what they've lost through a challenge of unpronounced
Pain is only a pulse if you just stop feeling it
You might be able to use the very thing that makes us up

Me and my star, Matthew good night
You know by law when you'll be forgiven
Maria my star, Matthew goodnight
You know my lord when you'll be forgiven

Wait, now, here when will you believe?
Me, I'm merely asking you to help me, when did I say to murder?
Wait now, here, please hear me out
Time consumer, time consuming, consume me
Down and out, now

Me and my star, Matthew good night
You know by law when you'll be forgiven
Maria my star, Matthew goodnight
You know my lord when you'll be forgiven