"When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Karazee"
Louden Up Now
Nmber of listens: ||| (But only because I kept not paying attention to it)
Stars (out of 5): 3
This starts off sounding like something I would hear in my brother's techno store. Kind of crazy, all over the place beats that aren't really dance but aren't really chill, either. I mean, not that his store plays that sort of stuff primarily, but it has a techno-y feel. Ok, anyway...this track doesn't stand out as anything special and it's not one I'd choose to represent the group. It's kind of just there.
*Can't find lyrics right now. The one sight with them is blocked from the wireless network I'm on. LAME!*
Louden Up Now
Nmber of listens: ||| (But only because I kept not paying attention to it)
Stars (out of 5): 3
This starts off sounding like something I would hear in my brother's techno store. Kind of crazy, all over the place beats that aren't really dance but aren't really chill, either. I mean, not that his store plays that sort of stuff primarily, but it has a techno-y feel. Ok, anyway...this track doesn't stand out as anything special and it's not one I'd choose to represent the group. It's kind of just there.
*Can't find lyrics right now. The one sight with them is blocked from the wireless network I'm on. LAME!*