Saturday, March 11, 2006


"Say Yes"
Elliott Smith

Nmber of listens: |||
Stars (out of 5): 5

I, at one time, listened to this album so much that I had to make myself stop because it was making me depressed. I was fortunate enough to see Elliott Smith live and it was kind of on a whim since I only listened to him when my roommate in college, Cara, had him on. I remember that night so well because it started off with my getting the last ticket to a secret Foo Fighters show at the Black Cat and ended with me totally in love with Elliott Smith and his talents. Grandaddy opened for him and I enjoyed his set a lot, but I was also distracted by Elliott Smith sitting upstairs watching the show and smoking.

But this This song is one of my absolute favorite songs in the world and not only for the tender lyrics but also for the harmonies created. You just know this song came straight from his heart and interviews with him have revealed that he would often go to a bar and if he couldn't remember the lyrics he thought of, he figured they weren't important enough to be part of a song. I'm so glad this one made it through! The first line gets me everytime: "I'm in love with the world through the eyes of a girl"'s not just about being in love, it's about having a new outlook as a result of it. Loves it!

I’m in love with the world through the eyes of a girl
Who’s still around the morning after
We broke up a month ago and I grew up I didn’t know
I’d be around the morning after
It’s always been wait and see
A happy day and then you pay
And feel like shit the morning after
But now I feel changed around and instead falling down
I’m standing up the morning after
Situations get fucked up and turned around sooner or later
And I could be another fool or an exception to the rule
You tell me the morning after
Crooked spin can’t come to rest
I’m damaged bad at best
She’ll decide what she wants
I’ll probably be the last to know

No one says until it shows and you see how it is
They want you or they don’t
Say yes
I’m in love with the world through the eyes of a girl
Who’s still around the morning after


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

Friday, May 19, 2006 6:23:00 PM  

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