Thursday, February 09, 2006


"Blue In Green"
Miles Davis
RS 500

Number of listens: |
Stars (out of 5): 1

See, I told you I would do these reviews completely random. Do you think an instrumental jazz piece would be my 21st pick? I'm not a big jazz fan, I'll admit it. I appreciate it and even understand a lot of it but it just doesn't hook me like other music does. And let me make the distinction right now between structured jazz and the kind that gets improvisational and even "jam"-like. I do NOT like the latter. I remember being in one of those cliche, smoky jazz bars in New York just wishing for the song to end. I like structure, so sue me.

But back to the song...I either need to be wearing a black cocktail dress and sipping brandy or it be 3am and I'm the last one in the bar. Obviously Miles Davis is a good musician but I'm just not jumping out of my seat for this piece.

No lyrics


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