Wednesday, December 28, 2005


"Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors"

Number of listens: |
Stars (out of 5):

Definitely one of Radiohead's "weirder" songs. Starts off with some weird sounds that I can't even find the words to describe. They are airy...and electronic..and there is a beat. I'm telling you, it's difficult to explain. It's basically Thom Yorke (I think) with some weird effect on his voice and he's not singing, just saying the lines. I like the drumming pattern in the background and seem to focus on that more than anything. With a minute to go it changes into what I would describe as soaring electronic sounds and it almost sounds like someone experimenting at the keyboard. Someone who can't really play the piano but is pushing keys and finding things that sound neat. I think Amnesiac is my least favorite Radiohead album.

there are bomb doors
and there are revolving doors
doors on the rudders of big ships and there are revolving doors
there are doors that open by themselves
there are sliding doors and there are secret doors
there are doors that lock and doors that don't
there are doors that let you in and out but never open but
there are trap doors that you can't come back from


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