Saturday, July 08, 2006


Kid A

Nmber of listens: |
Stars (out of 5): 1

I loved Kid A when it came out. My college roommate was a huge Radiohead fan and partly because I was often forced* to listen to them a lot, I secretly loved and purchased this album when it came out. I remember "coming clean" to her about buying it and that conversation still remains vivid in my mind because it was so funny. It was like I was admitting to doing cocaine again** or something.

While I, of course, loved the hits (Creep, Karma Police, etc.), I had never really gotten into an entire album of there's until this one. The whole thing felt new and fresh and I was obsessed with it for awhile. There isn't much to this instrumental track, though. I'm giving it only one star merely for the fact that it does not stand out on it's own. Hearing it out of sequence would not immediately make me think it's Radiohead's nor would I put it on by itself.


*Forced is a strong word since she didn't hold a knife to my throat or anything and really, is it so bad to have to listen to Radiohead? It was more the principle of dormroom living and listening to something I didn't put on.
**I've NEVER done cocaine. Just to clarify.


Blogger thought spot said...

it took me a while to decide which blog to comment on, i enjoyedthem all. but since i just got an ipod for my friend-aversarry(lame excuse to get presents) this is the one. thanks for the comment. i'll be adding all of you to my links.

Thursday, July 13, 2006 9:34:00 AM  

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