Sunday, November 05, 2006


"Concerto For Orchestra, Sz. 116"
Bela Bartok
Best Of Bartok, Vol. 2

Nmber of listens: ||
Stars (out of 5): 4

I wanted to cheat and not review a classical one right now, but then my "random" promise would be such a lie. So here we go.

Bartok is not for everyone. Sure, a lot of stuff sounds normal and pleasant to the ear, but much of it is going to test the ear. This piece starts of very serene and classic-like. About half way through you get the known Bartok sounds from various instruments where at times it just sounds chaotic and weird. This one is actually annoying me because the dynamics are making it difficult to get a good feel for the entire piece. Ha, I just laughed since this is generally considered "good" since it is on the Best Of Bartok album:)

No lyrics. Instrumental.