Monday, May 15, 2006


"Crackity Jones"

Nmber of listens: |
Stars (out of 5): 2

I have no idea what this song is about. Hmm, I just googled it and saw something that said Frank Black wrote this song about a scary roommate he had in Puerto Rico. This song has never really "hit" me as one of my favorite but it definitely has energy and that can always make up for other things lacking. This is one of those songs where only a Pixies fan will be really excited to hear it, I think. I can imagine them singing it live or something just the different feel to it would be cool.

Fast (!) guitars, kind of choppy, yelping singing....It's neat though, I guess. I start liking it a lot more as it goes on.

jose jones
told me alone
his story
he got friends
like paco picopiedra
la muneca
he receives on his set
crack crack crackity jones

please forgive me
jose jones
you need these walls
for your own
i'm moving out of this hopedaje
i'm afraid you'll cut me boy

thirty miles by
hundred miles by
stinking island
por goofiar
en crushing automovil
chasing voices
he receives in his head
crack crack crackity jones


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